About Us


By the grace of the Almighty, Darul Ahnaf is a not-for-profit organization(501(c)3) that was founded in the Bronx, New York, in 2021 To be a center of excellence for developing and sustaining a vibrant Islamic community and a nurturing environment for the society. Darul Ahnaf strives to serve the Muslim community’s spiritual, religious, and communal needs by nurturing their faith, upholding their values, and fostering the well-being of the community around us through worship, charity, education, outreach, and civic engagement. We offer many online and onsite courses for children and adults. Besides the regular courses, Darul Ahnaf hosts many social and educational activities for people of diverse backgrounds.


# To Promote friendly relations between Muslims and non-Muslims in this community.
# To promote the Muslim community’s religious, spiritual, and educational advancement.
# To extend aid and assistance to the needy and indigent community members.
# To protect, preserve and publish the Sunnah of Nabi Muhammad (Sallallahu’alaihi Wasallam) and his Noble Companions.
# To promote and encourage participation in Tazkiya (Inner Self-Reformation Programmes) programs.
# To print and publish Islamic literature.
# To build and maintain Masaajid, Madaaris, and other similar institutions for the use and benefit of the community.